Posted on September 29, 2021
Denzell Jones, Contributing Writer
New to Daytona? First-time college student? Looking to get involved on campus? Well,
look no further because Daytona State College is home to many clubs and organizations. Several students where happy to share some insight into their clubs.
One of the core clubs on campus is the Student Government Association, led by SGA
President, Adrianne Toles-Williams. Coming back for a second term, Toles-Williams
started last spring as the Senator of Public Relations. “I plan to major in Political Science, and thought SGA was the best opportunity to build my leadership skills while playing a role in advocation for the best college experience possible,” she said
Representative Sofia Costa, starting her first semester in SGA, explains that anyone can join. Jaynisi Guzman-Davila, Vice President of Flagler, also expressed her reason for joining SGA. “I fell in love with the idea of helping other students and getting to learn new leadership skills,” she said. Venerina Costanza, Senator of Student Activities, shared some insight about the best parts of joining SGA. “I have met so many new people and have made so many new friends this semester,” said Constanza. If students are interested in SGA, they are still looking to fill the following positions, Parliamentarian, Historian, Treasurer, Senator of Athletics, and Senator of Public Relations.
An additional popular club on campus is the school’s American Sign Language Club.
Sydney Springbett is a student representative for the American Sign Language
club. Sydney joined the club because she was looking to become more involved
and wanted to learn about the deaf community. “Our group is welcoming to
everyone, no matter how much or how little experience they have,” she said. If
other students are looking to get involved, the group is hosting an event on
October 2. “We are hosting a farm event and we are very excited for it. There
will be yard games, S’mores, animals and more,” Springbett said.
Another prominent club on campus is our school’s publication, In Motion. In Motion
staff writer, Lydia Hamel also took a moment to express her passion for the
club. “I joined because I wanted to take on a challenge and take this amazing
opportunity to enhance my writing,” Hamel said. Hamel advised that she loves
getting to express her thoughts and ideas through the group. Coming in as a dual-enrolled student, Hamel was skeptical at first. However, her nerves were quickly eased.
“If students are looking for a place to fit in, write, or just make some friends,
In Motion is the perfect place to start,” she said.
Whether students
are looking to express themselves, learn a new skill, or simply make some
friends, Daytona State offers something for everyone. Go to the school’s
website for a full list of all clubs Daytona State has to offer.

Source: <a href=''>People
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