Many students start college confused and overwhelmed. Here are a few tips from some of our students on how to combat college blues:
Zach Mizrahi, Physical Therapy, “I consult with my coach once a week and write out all my assignments on a weekly basis for that day! Check off assignments and try to jump ahead! Spending hours at a time in study hall.”
Ethan Algren, Technology Production, “I get to know my syllabus and get a good night’s sleep.”
Madalyn Butler, Psychology, “I keep my planner full and find friends that keep me motivated.”
Rhys Dimitriev, Music Production, “I use google photos as well as the pulse text notifications to stay on top of my assignments.”
Andy Martinez, Undecided, “I like to do some physical activity in the morning before school.”
Lauren Troutman, Business, “I pay attention, ask questions and hit those books!”
Amy Varela, Biology, “I take advantage of my professors and take tutoring.”
Samuel Abraham, Music Production, “To stay ahead I familiarize myself with the classwork and homework for the next day!”
Alexis Quesada, Photography, “I keep up with what is due for my classes and make sure that I write important due dates down in my planner.”
Nick Botti, Science, ‘‘My schedule is a lot different than it was in high school, I keep a calendar.”