In front of the cotton candy booth at Daytona State’s Safe Spring Break event, students stop by the courtyard to learn about how to ensure that their upcoming week off is a safe one.
Photo by Scott Trott.

Students sit atop the inflatable chair at Daytona State’s Safe Spring Break. SGA president Gael Vitalien (left) says in addition to being an important event to spread safety awareness, Safe Spring Break is a “mid-semester powwow.”
Photo by Scott Trott.

Maria Fernanda Castillo Enriquez and Sofia Avalo represent their club, Hispanos Unidos, at the Safe Spring Break event at the Daytona Beach Campus.
Photo by Scott Trott.

Student featured smiles for picture after attending the campus event.
Photo by Scott Trott.

Amani Guitard, a student at Daytona State College, grabs at the flying “cash” activity at the Safe Spring Break event.
Photo by Scott Trott.