Have you ever wandered into the library, not sure where to start in your research, or struggled to come up with a thesis statement for your paper? Luckily, at Daytona State, we have people to help you with just those struggles.

Name: Christina Hastie
Job: Senior Librarian
Time in position: 29 years; 30 this summer
Photo by Ava Traill.
After Hastie received her bachelor’s in human services, an opportunity opened for her to stay and get her Master’s degree. She decided to take it and continue in the library, moving up the ladder, as she liked what she was doing.

Name: Elizabeth Martino
Job: Technical Services Librarian
Time in position: A little over a year
Photo by Ava Traill.
Previously, Martino worked in Special ed. During this time, she started volunteering in libraries. She has been working in libraries for almost 10 years before joining the DSC Library Department.

Name: Arlie Cruz
Job: Emerging Technology Librarian
Time in position: almost 8 months
Photo by Ava Traill.
This is Cruz’s first librarian job. Before working at Daytona State, Cruz was an achievement assistant in the UCF library while in the graduate school program. While interning in the archives for her undergraduate degree in history, Cruz fell in love with academia.

Name: Grace Bondy
Job: Instructional and Outreach Librarian
Time in position: a little over a month
Photo by Ava Traill.
Bondy has worked in public libraries in Brevard County for five years. Last May, she graduated from Valdosta State University with a Masters Degree. Moving forward in her career, she spent some time teaching US history but ultimately decided she liked being a librarian more.

Name: Laura Perez
Job: Peer tutor
Major: Nursing Major
Age: 21
Time in position: 2 years
Photo by Ava Traill.
Perez has been at Daytona State for two years. During ENC1101, her professor recommended her to the Writing Center. Perez revised an interview with them. “I really like helping students and writing and reading, so it felt like a good fit,” said Perez. She has spent two years helping the students of Daytona State and plans to become a nurse to continue to help people.