Daytona State College alumni Derek Brown, and his band Glenarvon, have released their latest album, Idle Thrashing. While their 2021 album, Smashing Idols, is an ode to the rock of the 60’s and 70’s, Idle Thrashing salutes the great…
Category: Arts-Entertainment
Spotlight Artist: Chris Evers
At the age of twenty-one, Chris Evers has made quite the name for himself at Daytona State College and in the community. Evers was born in Saint Louis, Missouri, and moved to…
Anime to Prepare for Summer 2022
Summer is quickly approaching, and the majority of anime has aired from early to mid-spring for 2022 and has already concluded or will conclude soon. Because of this, it’s the perfect time to look at some of the anime set to return in the coming season. Here are some anime receiving another season this upcoming summer.
WiZzo Album Review
Album: Premonition Release Date: August 20, 2021 Label: Independent Genre: Hip-Hop Rating: 8/10 After listening to this record, I have to say, I am very impressed. For starters, David’s production combined with…
Review: The Glass Menagerie
The memory play, “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams, discusses the duality of hope, and was known to be a sort of autobiography. The term “memory play” describes a play in which…
Review: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
On February 22, 2022, the long-awaited expansion of The Witch Queen was finally released for Bungie’s Destiny 2. The story of the expansion is that, shortly after the events of “Season of…
Music Industry Club Works in Harmony
The Music Industry Club had been around before COVID-19, but it took a hit when courses went fully online. After things started going back to normal, in Fall of 2020, a young…
Daytona State’s Music Production Technology Students Rocked the Stage at Recent Show
For a large sum of us, being on stage sounds like a nightmare, but for those in the Music Production Technology program (MPT), it’s just a regular day in class. Performing, producing,…
Julien Collins: A Promising Career in Hip Hop
Julien Collins is an upcoming musician here at Daytona State. At the age of twenty-two years old, Collins has released two albums already. He is about to complete his first year of…
DSC Theater Presents LOVE/SICK
The theater department presented its first play this season since the pandemic. This new season brought in a huge welcome back to live theater with LOVE/SICK. Composed into nine short plays, LOVE/SICK,…